Your store everywhere with Augmented Reality

Our AR storefronts place your business anywhere, captivating customers while providing powerful analytics through a single dashboard.

Key Players in the AR space

The Opportunity

Problems & Solutions

Place. Engage. Immerse. Convert.

Place your story virtually anywhere, easily.


Utilize our intuitive platform to embed QR codes and NFC tags in strategic locations, instantly transporting customers into your unique AR storefront experience. Reach your audience wherever they are in click of a button.

Transforming customer interactions with AR.

Engage and Immerse

Redefine your customers shopping journey with Lighthouse. Our AR storefronts offer an immersive, interactive, and memorable shopping experience, turning browsing into engagement and engagement into conversations. Entice your audience with virtual, tactile exploration of your products and foster deep connections.

Amplify your sales with your AR storefront.


Our AR storefronts provide a seamless pathway from exploration to purchase. By integrating with all e-commerce platforms such as Shopify, Etsy and Amazon, we ensure a frictionless buying process, converting engaged browsers to loyal customers, and propelling your sales to new heights.

Make it stand out.

Dive into our immersive video to witness how we're transforming digital shopping experiences.

Let us help you expand your business